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Kochav Tzedek (Sahli) w/Kadish - כוכב צדק

In honour of Avraham Avinu and Parashat Lech Lecha, here I present to you the song "Kochav Tzedek" (A Righteous Star) written by the famous Moroccan Poet, Rabbi David Bouzaglo.
The song describes the life and accomplishments of our forefather, Avraham.
I love to sing this song during the Parashiyot which speak about Avraham in great detail i.e. Lech Lecha and Vayera.
At the end of the recording, I use the tune to the words of Kadish. A good choice of melody for this coming week and beyond.
This quatrain can be applied to many Tefilot and goes specifically well with:

  • Lecha Dodi
  • Yigdal
Maqam is SAHLI.

(Interested in another song of Avraham Avinu, check out "Cuando el rey Nimrod" found HERE)


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