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Showing posts from August, 2018

Rosh Hashana 1st night - ליל ראשון של ראש השנה

Below you will find the recording of the opening piyut called Ahot Ketana. Throughout most of Morocco the tune was the same though with some nuances that are different. Notice how sometimes I will stay high and other times I will go. The Spanish Moroccans had the custom to sing it high all the times while the rest of Morocco went low and then went high right at the end. For Kadish, this is where the Spanish Moroccans take control. They have a gorgeous tune beginning with the last stanza hizku ve'gilu  and continue it into kadish. The French Moroccan hazan will just repeat hizku ve'gilu in the same tune as Ahot Ketana  and continue the kadish that way. In my synagogue I open with the Spanish Moroccan way and then the second half of Kadish I switch to the traditional tune of Ahot Ketana.

Rosh Hashana Hazara Amida Shaharit ראש השנה חזרה עמידה שחרית

Recorded here is the entire Amida, start to finish for Shaharit both days of Rosh Hashana. One could use the beginning of this recording to begin and end all the Amida prayers during the high holidays while simply substituting the middle blessings .

Selihot - Adonai Hu HaElohim - סליחות ה' הוא האלוהים

Haftara Ki Tavo - הפטרת כי תבוא

French Moroccan Spanish Moroccan

Selihot Ana Ke'av Zedoni - אנא כעב זדוני

My personal favourite tune for the high holidays. I like to sing this tune for Yigdal Elohim Hai on the first day of Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur.

Selihot Shem el Kamti Levarech - סליחות שם אל קמתי לברך

This piyut is recited right before Rahamana  during Selihot. Moroccan Jews from Fez recite one stanza for each prayer on Yom Kippur.

Selihot Lema'ancha Elohai - סליחות למענך אלהי

This song is recited every morning during Selihot, in addition to Shaharit of Yom Kippur. The tune is practically the same among all Sepharadim.

Selihot - Ben Adam Ma Lecha Nirdam - סליחות בן אדם מה לך נרדם

It goes without saying that the moment the words of Ben Adam Ma Lecha Nirdam are chanted, the heart starts pumping a bit faster. Here are two melodies for your learning pleasure. Traditional Sephardic Melody Traditional Spanish Moroccan Melody

Selihot YeIruni Rayonai - סליחות יעירוני רעיוני

Still part of the opening songs of Selihot, this hymn is sung before Ashre and followed by ה' צבאות יושב הכרובים.

Selihot Yashen al Teradam - סליחות ישן אל תרדם

French Moroccan  Spanish Moroccan Here is the piyut Yashen al Teradam in both French and Spanish Moroccan melodies. The French melody to this song is the same melody Spanish Moroccan Jews use to sing Ya Shema Evyonecha (to be posted later).

Haftara Re'e - הפטרת ראה

Haftarat Re'e is recited even when Rosh Hodesh falls out on Shabbat. This is because we don't want to miss one of the seven haftarot of nehama  (consolation). French Moroccan Spanish Moroccan

Haftara Rosh Hodesh - הפטרת ראש חודש

French Moroccan Spanish Moroccan

Pesuke Dezimra (weekday) complete - פסוקי דזמרה (חול) שלם

Pesuke Dezimra Part One (Hodu until Lamnatzeah) Pesuke Dezimra Part Two (Baruch Sheamar until Yishtabah) I have recorded the weekday pesuke dezimra in two parts. The first part is from Hodu until Hashem Melech (lamnatzeah). The second part is from Baruch Sheamar until Yishtabah. This recording was sung fast because it was meant for weekday reading. Nevertheless, I did sing Hashem Melech, Baruch Sheamar and Yishtabah. The chapters of Tehilim beginning with Ashre followed by the Haleluyahs are also recited quickly and Be'ezrat Hashem, I will have them recorded more slowly in the near future. In the meantime you can just slow down the playback on YouTube. I must note that most synagogues don't sing Hashem Melech, Baruch Sheamar and Yishtabah on a regular weekday unless there is some sort of simha  in the synagogue. Usually, it is just read. Kol Tuv,