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Pesah 1 - Hagada shel Pesah complete - פסח 1 - הגדה של פסח שלם

Despite the trials and stress leading up to the holiday, there's almost no better feeling when you sit around the table with you family celebrating the Pesah Seder. The Moroccan tradition of singing "Bivhilu" and the other glorious songs, make our feast one of the best in the world. Here is the most of the Hagada recorded for you to learn at your convenience. I omitted any section that had to do with Shabbat, so please take note. The songs found in the section of Nirtza and Shir Hashirim are also omitted.
This recording is Le'iluy Nishmat my brother in law, Yosef Amram ben Avraham Shelomo, whose nahala is today, 2 Nissan. 


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