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Hanukah #1 - Blessings - חנוכה #1 ברכות
In honour of the 1st day of Hanukah, here is the recital of the blessings (including Shehecheyanu), Hanerot Halalu and Mizmor Shir Hanukat HaBayit LeDavid.
Parashat Vayehi marks the end of the Book of Bereshit. The poets of Morocco used this opportunity to create some of the nicest tunes our Bakashot has to offer. The hymns associated with Vayehi are well known even to the beginner. Their sweet melodies are used time and time again throughout the year because they are easy to learn and fit well with the Tefila. This tune of Ki Eshmera Shabbat was taken from the original song Tuvu Lilah Ya Nas which I've included in a picture below. In this recording I sing the piyut and adapt it to Shavat Aniyim. It fits well with: Lecha Dodi El Adon Adon Olam Yidgal La'el Baruch Rau Banim....or any other quatrain song. The maqam of this song as well as with most piyutim from Bakashot Parashat Vayehi is Rasd Dil.
Hanukah Sameaĥ!
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